2010. augusztus 27., péntek

HIGH POWER WIFI ANTENNA, Free Internet, Highly Portable, 16dB Gain, Almost a Dish!!

This thing is the closest you can get to having a massive parabolic dish without having a massive parabolic dish. Here is the detailed construction of a 16dB gain QUAD BIQUAD antenna. This is sort of a rare breed, something you don't see too often, but it's killer. It's a bit more difficult to make than a standard one-element biquad, but it's worth it. This thing is almost as directional as my 18" parabolic dish. Remember...the power (your signal) doubles every 3dB...this one's nearly 16dB ; ) With this I can get Linksys, Netgear, or D-link Access Points from over 2 MILES away.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ0iKbycG6A&feature=fvw

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